Wednesday, April 2, 2008

First Run

I’m starting off slow and steady in my running since I know pushing myself too hard will just cause me to get hurt or sick, or possibly just hating the thought of it. While I was up in Auckland last week I bought myself a few pairs of running shorts, some running tights for the cold mornings, a couple of jackets and dozens of socks to get me started. I need to feel like a runner you see. It gets cold here in the mornings, and pretty soon it’s going to get even colder so the right gear was essential if I was going to keep running.

I’m following the Couch-to-5k Running Plan off the Website to start off with. The program has been aimed people who are unfit and have little running experience. It eases you gradually into running rather then dumping you straight in the deep end.

The program starts off with one week of 5 minute warm ups then alternating 90 seconds of walking with 60 seconds of running for a total of 20 minutes ending with a cool down of 5 minutes which includes stretching and walking. The plan calls for the program to be done 3 times a week.

After a few false starts after one very late night, and one late wake-up call I went for my first run this morning. At 6.30am in the morning, its dark and today it was INCREDIBLY foggy. For safety’s sake I brought a torch with me, but I will defiantly need to invest in some reflective clothing and a head lamp for the future. I could barely see in front of me and almost talked myself out of going as I imagine cars hurtling blindly through the fog and hitting me at top speed. Thankfully we live on a quiet country road and cars can be heard from miles away so I decided to give it a try.

I left the house at 6.41am and forgot to stretch but I did walk for the first 90 seconds. I won’t forget that again as I don’t want to get injured. The run went well. At 6.55am I turned for home and walked the last 5 minutes as a cool down. I reached home at 7.09am.

Total Time = 28 minutes
Total Distance = 1.2km

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